Indoor HDTV AntennasWe recommend trying an indoor antenna first. All you will need in most cases to receive free digital TV is an indoor Today's antennas are small in size and powerful. They use new technology that was developed for the military. So they receive great TV. It is pretty surprising to see how well they work. Some are as low as $19.99. You can join the movement and cut the cable cord, and save money today for only 20 bucks! At last, indoor TV antennas that looks good. If you're like me, when you hear the word antenna, you go running. Images of big rabbit ears and ugly metal come to mind. It's a new world. New indoor TV antennas look better and work better today than the old rabbit ear models. Some do not even look like antennas. They can be easy to hide in a room behind a TV or on a bookshelf. Be careful about going for the antennas that have fancy design. You don't need to spend a lot to get a good working antenna. Some antennas that look fancy simply don't work as well. Moreover, some designs are not environmentally conscious, using an abundance of plastic. Our Top Picks: 1.The itenna The itenna is a new antenna from Wireless Garden. It's pretty hard not to like the itenna. It's a low-cost, great solution. It works well, is stealthy and environmentally friendly. It is only $19.99. But don't let the price fool you. It works better than antennas that cost 2 to 4 times as much. It has one of the highest signal gains. It is thin, the size of a mailing envelope, so it's easy to hide in a bookshelf or behind the TV. It's almost totally recyclable. There are definitely antennas that have fancier packages out there. But who really wants to look at an antenna. This antenna works really well. It's super easy to use, pretty plug and play, requiring no tools for installation. At 19.99 including shipping, the itenna from Wireless Garden is not only the value choice for indoor hdtv antennas, it also features the highest gain and is almost totally recyclable. Find the itenna here Reviews of the itenna I live in a small apartment in downtown San Diego. I travel quite a bit so I do not have a need for cable or satellite tv. When I am home, especially during football season, I like catch a Chargers Game or the Masters. When my rabbit ears stopped working after the DTV transition, I picked up an itenna HDTV antenna at Worswick and could not believe how amazing the HDTV looked. The thing could be mistaken for an old school album cover except for the wire coming out the back. It fits in my laptop case and I am considering buying a second one to take on the road with me. I may even buy one of those USB tv tuners for my laptop. Sean K. San Diego, CA Got the federal DTV converter box rebate, bought an itenna and a converter box and we are good to go. Thanks, Matt My mom refuses to buy anything made with plastic after she heard about the Pacific garbage patch. This of course was after she had purchased a brand new 52' Samsung TV. Until we found the itenna(which i think is totally recycleable), her tv just hung on the wall like artwork. Joan V. Portland, OR Videos